Duties and Responsibilities
- Collaborate with organization executives on all strategic and operational planning and execution;maintainannualNursingAdministrationstrategicandoperationalplans.
- Provide highly visible and effective transformational leadership which fosters a positive safe working environment, supporting a Culture of Safety and a Culture of Civility.
- Activelyparticipateonorganization-widecommitteesandpositivelyrepresenttheorganization and the profession of nursing both internally and externally.
- Utilize and embody the Magnet principles to transform nursing at all levels, inclusive of excellence in nursing practice (i.e. care delivery models), nursing autonomy, structural empowermentincludingsharedgovernance, nursingresearchandinnovation.
- Review and validate strategic and business planning processes; provide advice and recommendationsinthedevelopment/updateoftheorganization'scorporatestrategy.
- DevelopandmonitorNursingAdministration'sstrategicandbusinessplan.
- Ensure standardization of all initiatives, patient improvement projects and nursing practice withintheorganization andregion, inalignment withMODHS NursingAdministration.
- Effectively execute initiatives through robust interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration using a systems approach.
- Embracecontinuingprofessional development at all levels.
- Empower and foster teamwork to achieve nursing practice and operational excellence in the deliveryofhighquality,safeandefficientpatientcare,supportingpatientcenteredcare,Nurse satisfaction and retention.
- Ensure continuous cost efficiency and value-based use of human, material and financial resources.
- Coordinate regionally and with MODHS Nursing Administration for the recruitment and onboarding of qualified staff within the departmet, inclusive of the departmental Annual Staffing Plan.
- Workcollaborativelywithorganization®ionalcredentialingprocessesandcommitteesto maintain acceptance of high-quality nursing recruitment to fulfill current and future nursing manpower requirements.
- Ensureallstaffareappropriatelyassigned tojobpositionsandmaintainvalidqualificationsand competencies.
- Empower and develop staff at all levels to maintain a high-performing workforce and robust succession planning.
- Fostergrowthanddevelopmentofanationalworkforce.
- Promoteconfidenceandtransparencythrougheffective andprofessionalcommunication.
- Develop and ensure compliance of evidence-based policies, procedures and guidelines in fulfilment with regulatory requirements.
- Lead, guide and evaluate the Deputy DoN, Associate DoNs (where applicable), Clinical Directors and other direct staff reports.
- Providedevelopmentopportunitiesfortheteamtoensurecareerpathsandsuccession plansare detailed/documented, reviewed and updated.
- Empowerteammemberstomakebusinessdecisionsbyeffectively delegatingauthority.
- IdentifyandrecruitkeyseniorstaffforNursingAdministration.
- Set and communicate clear performance expectations through coaching, support and regular feedback toNursing Administration'smanagement teamonperformance.
- ActasarolemodeltochampionorganizationandMODHS'svaluestoemployees.
- ReviewandapproveconsolidatedProfessionalDevelopment PlansforNurseLeaders.
- Establishtarget settinggoalsandvalidate theNursing Department'sperformancescorecard.
- DrivethedesignoftheoverallNursingDepartment'sdevelopmentstrategyincoordinationwith Nursing Administration leaders.
- consult in areasofprofessionalandoperationalexpertiseacrosstheorganizationandwithinthe MODHSframework, asneeded,tobuildnetworkswhichcouldaddcompetitive advantage to the organization.
- Coordinate and drive patient experience improvement initiatives across the continuum of care whilst working inter-professionally within the organization.
Essential: Evidenceofcontinuingprofessionalandpersonaldevelopment,including development as an executive leader.
Essential: RegistrationwithSaudiCommissionfor HealthSpecialties(SCFHS)asa Specialist or higher.
Essential: 10+years related experienceinnursing, including aminimumof5+yearsinprogressive nurse leader roles, exclusive of fulltime study period.
Essential: Executive/seniornursingleadershipexperience,defined as‘leader’ withdirect reports (i.e. Nurse Managers) or multi-unit span of control, or equivalent.
Essential:Theability tomotivate, setstandards anddemonstrateaccountabilityofselfand others in the team.
Essential:Demonstrates knowledge ofclinical integration ofevidence-basedpractice and standard of care (Clinical Decision Making).
Essential:Abilitytoworkcooperatively andstrategically inamulticultural teamenvironment withalllevelsofhealthcare professionals,technical andadministrative
Essential:Capacitytocreateandmaintainpositiveexperiences, develop effectivepartnerships, engagingwiththeHospitalDirector, seniorexecutives,variousinternalandexternal stakeholders and patients and their families in a healthcare
Essential:Enhances commitment,efficiency,productivityandteam
Essential:Worksinatimelymannerwhilemeeting deadlines
Essential:Createsaninclusiveculturewhereeveryone's contribution isacknowledged and recognized.
Essential:Createsanenvironmentcommittedtoexcellence andqualityandprovides leadership around change for improvement in patient care.
Essential:Considersarangeoffactorsintheplanningprocess (e.g.costs,timing, customer needs, resources available, etc.).
Essential: Recognizes unsafe or potentially hazardous elements within work systems and procedures and acts to correct the situation.
Essential: Takes ownership of defined objectives and takes actions accordingly.
Essential: Adheres to the Kingdom's laws and organization's policies & procedures.
Essential: Encourages the team to promote their work throughout the organization.
Essential: Demonstrates and promotes loyalty to the organization at all times and in all situations.
Essential: Displays professional and civil behavior at all times.
Essential: Highly responsive, ethical and transparent behavior with a professional approach and willingness to be held accountable for results, including understanding and success in change management.
Essential: Demonstrates inspirational approaches that drive and inspire other team members in the achievement of outcomes.
Essential: in all interactions, is guided by the needs of the patients, creating a partnership that is effective across the continuum of care.
* Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and Desirable Master's Degree in Nursing/health related field or business administration.
Job Details