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تغذية علاجية _ DIETITIAN

إدارة مستشفيات القوات المسلحة بالخرج Alkharj, Saudi Arabia Posted 2020/09/21 09:10:07 Expires 2020-10-06 Ref: JB1100004994

Duties and Responsibilities

 Each morning ( Sunday — Thursday) each dietitian visits their allotted wards and check the nursing cardex or the patient's file and to contact the nurse in charge to discuss the
 New patients
 Discharges
 Transfers and Bed changes
 Changes in diet prescription
 Patient condition and changes in treatment process
Office Duties
 On return to office any changes / discharges / admissions etc are put on a changes list and the diet orders on \"T\" Cards are prepared
 These are completed and given to the diet cook before I lam for the diet menus to be made ready.
Afternoon Changes List
 If any changes in the afternoon are made and given to the diet cook in the afternoon.
 Any patients who need counseling or giving of diet prescription for home is done in the morning or afternoon based on the availability.
The employee will
 Be responsible for the day to day management and provision of the dietetics service as assigned by the Duty-rota.
 Utilize the appropriate tools, assessment forms, in provision of the nutritional care.
 Develop and implement a plan of care based on an assessment of nutritional need of the patient and correlate with other health care plans.
 Interprets physician diet orders and modifies diet according to diet patterns and patient preferences.
 Provides substitutions if patient is unable to eat the meal provided, in accordance with diet restrictions.
 Plans between-meal nourishments for patients as necessary.
 Communicate appropriate dietary history and nutritional care data through written records system.
 Evaluate the nutritional care to provide follow up for continuity of care.
 Participate in health teams, and other teams as required.
 Interview and instruct inpatients and outpatients, primary care patients and /or their relative in the management of dietetics regimes, food selection, economics, adapting to changing plans customized to the individual lifestyles at home.

 On referral, interview patients, not receiving therapeutic diets, to assess their nutritional intake or advice on the provision of specific dietary requirements


 Essential: Ability to relate well to other health professionals, patients and their relatives.
 Essential: Effective communication skills, with ability to impress upon patients and their relatives
 the importance and benefit in pursuing healthy eating habits.
 Essential: Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environmen


تغذية علاجية

Job Details

Job Location Alkharj, Saudi Arabia
Company Industry Medical/Hospital
Company Type Employer (Private Sector)
Job Role Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
Position No.


Employment Type Contractor

Preferred Candidate

Career Level Entry Level
Years of Experience Min: 2
Nationality Saudi Arabia
Degree Bachelor's degree

About This Company

إدارة مستشفيات القوات المسلحة بالخرج

Healthcare, other Alkharj, Saudi Arabia

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